There is nothing greater than love.
Make sure you show your loved ones how deep your love for them is every day of the year!
Nič ni večjega od ljubezni. Svojim bližnjim vsak dan v letu pokažite, kako globoka je vaša ljubezen do njih!
Song Title: How Deep Is Your Love
Performing Artist: Perpetuum Jazzile
Original Artist: Bee Gees
Songwriters: Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb, Maurice Gibb
Label: RSO
Arranger: Andraž Slakan
Sound recording: each PJ singer with their cell phone
Sound production & editing: Andraž Slakan, Klemen Brezavšček
Sound mix: Andraž Slakan Mastering: Klemen Brezavšček
Video Recording: each PJ singer with their cell phone
Video Editing: Darja Dobršek: Imprez, Darja Dobrsek, s. p.,
Assistants: Bojana Bergant, Tadej Premužič
Project Manager: Nastja Vodenik
Recording venue: each singer at their home VISIT WEBSITE FOR MORE CONCERT INFO: